Unhappiness seems to be an artist's constant companion. |
I stumbled
over this question when browsing my idea list for this blog and decided ...
Well, this is a question that keeps haunting me, so I decided it's about time
to answer it.
The reason
why I keep asking myself this question is simple: Whenever I read an
artist's biography I always note that he or she had a pretty difficult life -
if not for political or social reasons it were depression, a sickness, an
addiction ... Or everything at once. I also note that people who seem
content with their life and society often aren't very creative, just as if they
don't feel the need for that. - Well, no, there is creativity in them,
but it seems more practical: decorating their home, baking cookies ... No
great, revolutionary stuff, if you know what I mean.
Last but
not least, there's myself, the person I know best and watch all the time.
Fighting suicidal thoughts since my teenage years, I wouldn't describe myself
as a happy person. And as a matter of fact, I do feel a connection between
my general unhappiness and my writing.